Current position

ERC Research Group Leader and Ramon y Cajal Fellow at Instituto de Geociencias / Spanish National Research Council (IGEO-CSIC)

Institutional website at IGEO-CSIC


PhD thesis (summa cum laude) "Simulating the impact of the 11 year solar cycle on climate" - supervised by R.Garcia- Herrera and N.Calvo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (2014) pdf available

MSc (1 st class Honours) in Meteorology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (2009)

Degree (1 st class Honours) in Meteorology, Universitaet Wien, Vienna, Austria (2008).

Scientific interests

Chemistry-climate interactions, climate sensitivity, radiative forcing, Solar Radiation Modification

Past positions

Research Scientist (SNSF Ambizione Fellow) at ETH Zurich (Apr 2014 - May 2024)

Associate Research Scientist at Columbia University (Nov 2017 - Jan 2019) - L.M.Polvani group

Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Columbia University (Nov 2014 - Oct 2017) - L.M.Polvani group

Graduate Research Assistant at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Nov 2009 - Oct 2014) - STREAM research group

Awards and Other experience

Working Package Leader of COST Action ES1005 entitled “Towards a more complete assessment of the impact of solar variability on the Earth's Climate” (2011-2015). See TOSCA-COST

NCAR Advanced Study Program Graduate Visitors Grants awardee (2013)

Spanish "FPU" fellowship awardee (2010-2014)

WCRP Conference grant awardee (2011). See WCRP 2011

International Max-Planck Research School Visitors Grants awardee (2010). See IMPRS-ESM

Mentoring and supervision

supervisor for MSc thesis: "Exploring the impacts of Sulfate Aerosol Geoengineering on the Ocean Circulation" by Iris Schuring (ETH Zurich, Sep 2023-Apr 2024)

supervisor for PhD thesis: "Chemical and climatic impacts of solid particles for stratospheric solar climate intervention" by Sandro Vattioni(ETH Zurich, Mar 2020-Jan 2024)

supervisor for BSc thesis: "Impacts of Microphysics on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection of Solid Particles" by Sina Kaeslin (ETH Zurich, Mar 2023-Dec 2023)

supervisor for PhD thesis: "The role of Arctic ozone in forcing Northern Hemispheric climate" by Marina Friedel(ETH Zurich, Oct 2019-May 2023)

supervisor for MSc thesis: "Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Stratospheric Ozone in Idealized DECK Experiments from CMIP6 / IPCC-AR6 Models" by Jingyu Wang (ETH Zurich, Jan 2023-July 2023)

supervisor for MSc thesis: "Could Stratospheric Aerosol Intervention reopen the Ozone Hole?" by Andrin Joerimann (ETH Zurich, Sep 2022-Apr 2023)

supervisor for MSc thesis: "Investigation of potential future impacts of solar radiation management through sulfur injections using an Earth System Model with a comprehensive stratospheric aerosol scheme" by Elia Wunderlin (ETH Zurich, Sep 2022-Apr 2023)

supervisor for Graduate student research project: "Revisiting the impacts of Ozone Depleting Substances on surface climate" by Kostantin Weber (ETH Zurich, Feb 2022-Sep 2022)

supervisor for MSc thesis: "Chemical impacts of solid particle geoengineering" by Rahel Weber (ETH Zurich, Jan 2022-Sep 2022)

supervisor for MSc thesis: "Future Trends in Arctic Ozone and their Impact on Surface Climate" by Svenja Seeber (ETH Zurich, Feb 2022-Sep 2022)

supervisor for MSc thesis: "The Role of Antarctic Stratospheric Vortex and Ozone Variability in Forcing Surface Climate" by Nora Bergner (ETH Zurich, Mar 2021-Sep 2021)

supervisor for MSc thesis: "Revisiting the Influence of Solar Variability on North Atlantic Winter Climate" by Laura Endres (ETH Zurich, Apr 2021-Oct 2021)

co-supervisor for PhD thesis: "Sudden Stratospheric Warmings and Their Impact on Northern Hemisphere Winter Climate" by Jessica Oehrlein(Columbia University, 2018-2021)

supervisor for Graduate student research project: "Solar/NAO signals in the Northern Hemisphere: distinguishing forced and intrinsic decadal variability" by Jessica Oehrlein(Columbia University, Jan 2017-May 2018)


Lecturer in "Stratospheric Chemistry" (ETH Zurich, Sep-Dec 2023), see link

Lecturer in "Stratospheric Chemistry" (ETH Zurich, Sep-Dec 2022), see link

Lecturer in "Stratospheric Chemistry" (ETH Zurich, Sep-Dec 2021), see link

Lecturer in "Stratospheric Chemistry" (ETH Zurich, Sep-Dec 2020), see link

Lecturer in "Stratospheric Chemistry" (ETH Zurich, Sep-Dec 2019), see link

Selected talks (last 6 years)

G. Chiodo, 2024 (talk) Ozone-climate interactions in CMIP6 models. EGU Generay Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria.

G. Chiodo, 2023 (talk) The influence of future changes in springtime Arctic ozone on stratospheric and surface climate. SPARC DynVar Conference, Munich, Germany.

G. Chiodo, 2023 (talk) Emerging divergence of modeled and observed tropical ozone trends. CCMI Workshop, Toulouse, France.

G. Chiodo, 2023 (invited talk) Stratospheric ozone feedbacks on the large-scale atmospheric circulation. IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, Germany.

G. Chiodo, 2022 (talk) Stratospheric composition feedbacks: a review. SPARC General Assembly, ECMWF, Reading, UK.

G. Chiodo, 2022 (invited talk) Efficiency of stratospheric solar geoengineering: the role of dynamical and radiative processes. Gordon Research Conference on Geoengineering, Newry (MA), USA.

G. Chiodo, 2022 (invited talk) Stratospheric composition feedbacks in a changing climate: a review. EGU 2022, Vienna, Austria

G. Chiodo, 2021 (virtual talk) Stratospheric ozone and climate: a review of physical mechanisms and related uncertainties. Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany.

G. Chiodo, 2021 (virtual talk) On the role of stratospheric composition feedbacks in tropospheric and surface climate. University of Bern, Switzerland.

G. Chiodo, 2021 (virtual talk) Shedding new light on the radiative impacts of ozone-depleting substances. AMS 101th Annual Meeting 2021, USA

G. Chiodo, 2020 (virtual talk) Shedding new light on the radiative impacts of ozone-depleting substances. EGU 2020, Vienna, Austria

G. Chiodo, 2020 (colloquium) On the role of stratospheric composition feedbacks in tropospheric and surface climate. ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

G. Chiodo, 2020 (invited colloquium) On the role of stratospheric composition feedbacks in tropospheric and surface climate. Harvard University, Boston (MA), USA

G. Chiodo, 2019 (talk) On the role of stratospheric composition feedbacks for the climate response to anthropogenic greenhouse gases. DynVarMIP workshop on Atmospheric circulation in a changing climate 2019, Madrid, Spain

G. Chiodo, 2019 (invited talk) On the role of stratospheric ozone feedbacks in the climate response to natural (solar) and anthropogenic (CO2) forcings. CCMI workshop 2019, Hong Kong. See meeting website

G. Chiodo, 2019 (colloquium) Stratospheric feedbacks and their relevance for tropospheric and surface climate. German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany

G. Chiodo, 2018 (invited talk) On the importance of stratospheric ozone feedbacks for the simulation of solar effects on climate. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA

G. Chiodo, 2018 (talk) The Importance of the Ozone Layer for the Response of the Climate System to Natural and Anthropogenic Forcings. SPARC General Assembly 2018, Kyoto, Japan

G. Chiodo, 2018 (talk) Interactive stratospheric ozone chemistry: an important feedback for climate change projections. EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria

G. Chiodo, 2018 (invited talk) Lagged correlation between the NAO and the 11-year solar cycle: forced response or internal variability?2018 Sun-Climate symposium, Arrowhead, California. See meeting website

Professional service

Co-author of yearly and quadrennial Assessment Reports of the UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (EEAP) (see Supplementary Information for Section 2 of EEAP Update Assessment 2023)

Co-author of Chapter 5 of the WMO UNEP Ozone assessment 2022

Member of Scientific Steering Committee of the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative Middle Atmosphere representative of Early Career Scientists (ECS) Steering Committee of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS),

and for the Stratospheric Network for the Assessment of Predictability (SNAP).

Working Group member of the APARC activity on "QUasibiennial oscillation and Ozone Chemistry interactions in the Atmosphere


Member of International Commission on the Middle Atmosphere (ICMA) within the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS)

Primary convener and chair of the session on "The role of the middle atmosphere: composition changes and feedbacks" at EGU 2021

Primary convener and chair of the session on "Middle atmosphere composition and feedbacks in a changing climate" at EGU 2020

Associate editor on "The evolution of the Stratospheric Ozone" for Atmospheric Science section of Frontiers in Frontiers in Earth Science

Primary convener and chair of the session on "Solar and heliospheric forcings and their effects on climate" at AGU 2016

Chair of the Columbia University Postdoc Society (2015-2017)

Reviewer for Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Climate, Journal of Geophysical Research, Climate Dynamics, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Nature Communications, Nature Scientific Reports